「第1回京都大学北米On-site Laboratory合同シンポジウム:Transformative Innovations in Medical and Life Sciences」開催のお知らせ

この度、京都大学の北米を拠点とする本学の3つのOn-site Laboratoryが、米国カリフォルニア州ラホヤにおいて、「第1回京都大学北米On-site Laboratory合同シンポジウム:Transformative Innovations in Medical and Life Sciences」を開催するはこびとなりました。


■タイトル:第1回京都大学北米On-site Laboratory合同シンポジウム:
     Transformative Innovations in Medical and Life Sciences
■日  時:2023年2月28日(火)13:00~17:00(米国現地時間(PST))
     同日17:00~18:30 (米国現地時間(PST)) レセプション&ネットワーキング
■会  場:Roth Auditorium, Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine
(2880 Torrey Pines Scenic Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA)
■参 加 費:無料
 *セッション 1: 幹細胞と細胞リプログラミング
 *セッション 2: 量子科学、ナノ医療、放射線治療
  量子ナノ医療研究センター(高等研究院 物質-細胞統合システム拠点(iCeMS))
 *セッション 3: がん免疫療法
 シンポジウム事務局 (京都大学国際戦略本部/国際交流課)
 Email: osl.symposium@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp


We are pleased to announce that Kyoto University’s three North American-based on-site laboratories will host “Transformative Innovations in Medical and Life Sciences: The1st joint symposium of Kyoto University’s Three North American On-site Labs.” The symposium, which will review the outstanding research
achievements in the fields of medical and life sciences, will be held both on-site in La Jolla, USA, and online via YouTube (live and on-demand). All those interested are welcome to participate. We will also hold a reception and provide networking opportunities after the symposium, and on-site participants are welcome to join.

We look forward to your participation.
We would be grateful if you could also kindly transfer the information to those who may be interested.

■Title: Transformative Innovations in Medical and Life Sciences: The 1st Joint Symposium of Kyoto University’s Three North American On-site Labs
■Date and Time: February 28 (Tue), 2023 13:00-17:00 (PST) / March 1 (Wed), 2023, 6:00-10:00 (JST)
・On-site: Roth Auditorium, Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine (2880 Torrey Pines Scenic Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA)
・Online (live and on-demand): Access information (URL) will be shared with those who have registered.
■ Participation: Open to all, but will be of particular interest to research scientists, medical and pharmaceutical application developers, and support staff.
■ Maximum number of on-site participants: 150
■ Fee: Free of charge.
■ Registration: Registration is required to receive information necessary for participation on-site and/or online (live and/or on-demand).
■ Language: English(no simultaneous translation)
■ Three focal themes and the three organizing on-site laboratories:
・Session 1: Stem cells and cell reprogramming: iPS Cell Research Center at Gladstone Institutes (CiRA)
・Session 2: Quantum science, nanomedicine, and radiation therapy: Quantum Nano Medicine Research Center (iCeMS)
・Session 3: Cancer immunotherapy: Kyoto University Research Center San Diego (Graduate School of Medicine)
■Reception and networking opportunities:
Date/Time: February 28, 2023 17:00–18:30 (PST)
Venue: Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine Symposium participants are welcome to join in the reception and networking opportunities after the symposium.
Symposium Organizing Committee (International Strategy Office, Kyoto University)
Email: osl.symposium@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Please access the link below for details of the program and for registration.